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ggcoverage: an R package to visualize and annotate genome coverage for various NGS data



Visualizing genome coverage is of vital importance to inspect and interpret various next-generation sequencing (NGS) data. Besides genome coverage, genome annotations are also crucial in the visualization. While different NGS data require different annotations, how to visualize genome coverage and add the annotations appropriately and conveniently is challenging. Many tools have been developed to address this issue. However, existing tools are often inflexible, complicated, lack necessary preprocessing steps and annotations, and the figures generated support limited customization.


Here, we introduce ggcoverage, an R package to visualize and annotate genome coverage of multi-groups and multi-omics. The input files for ggcoverage can be in BAM, BigWig, BedGraph and TSV formats. For better usability, ggcoverage provides reliable and efficient ways to perform read normalization, consensus peaks generation and track data loading with state-of-the-art tools. ggcoverage provides various available annotations to adapt to different NGS data (e.g. WGS/WES, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq) and all the available annotations can be easily superimposed with ‘ + ’. ggcoverage can generate publication-quality plots and users can customize the plots with ggplot2. In addition, ggcoverage supports the visualization and annotation of protein coverage.


ggcoverage provides a flexible, programmable, efficient and user-friendly way to visualize and annotate genome coverage of multi-groups and multi-omics. The ggcoverage package is available at under the MIT license, and the vignettes are available at

Peer Review reports


Visualizing genome coverage is of vital importance to inspect and interpret various next-generation sequencing (NGS) data. Besides genome coverage, genome annotations are also crucial in the visualization. When analyzing whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data to get copy number variations (CNV), genome coverage plot can check for possible confounding factors, such as GC content bias, telomeres and centromeres proximity [1]. When dealing with RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) data, we can utilize genome coverage plot to inspect the gene or exon knockout efficiency, 5’ or 3’ bias and visualize the read counts of differentially expressed genes, transcripts or exons [2]. In processing chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq) data, genome coverage plot can help to obtain and verify the peaks by comparing the signal of ChIP and input samples and visualize the relative distance between identified peaks and nearby genes [3].

Many tools have been developed to visualize genome coverage. However, existing tools are often inflexible, complicated, lack necessary preprocessing steps and annotations, and the figures generated support limited customization. For example, UCSC genome browser [4] and IGV Browser [5] require file upload or data transmission, which usually takes time, and are not accessible programmatically. Gviz [6] offers limited customization of plot aesthetics and themes. ggbio [7] and GenVisR [8] provide limited annotations. karyoploteR [9] focuses on visualizing chromosome ideogram and is complicated to create genome coverage plot. See Table 1 for a detailed comparison of ggcoverage to other visualization tools.

Table 1 Comparison of ggcoverage to other visualization tools

Here, we present ggcoverage, an R package providing a flexible, programmable, efficient and user-friendly way to visualize genome coverage of multi-groups and multi-omics. It supports multiple input file formats and provides several functions to perform data preprocessing, including parallel read normalization, consensus peak generation and track data loading. It also provides various available annotations, which can be superimposed conveniently to better inspect and interpret different NGS data. Furthermore, ggcoverage can generate publication-ready plots and users can customize the plots with ggplot2 [10]. In addition, ggcoverage supports the visualization of protein coverage based on peptides obtained by mass spectrometry and adds protein feature annotation to the coverage plot.



The input file for ggcoverage to visualize genome coverage can be in BAM, BigWig, BedGraph and TSV formats. For TSV file, it should contain columns to specify chromosome, start, end, sample type and sample group. ggcoverage also requires additional files to generate annotation, such as FASTA file for GC content annotation, gene transfer format (GTF) file for gene and transcript annotations, and peak file for peak annotation. For the visualization of protein coverage, the input file should be Excel spreadsheets exported from an analyzer such as Proteome Discoverer.

Data preprocessing

Read normalization, consensus peak generation and track data loading are usually prerequisites for visualization. However, this requires users to learn to use different tools and possibly switch between different platforms. To facilitate users, ggcoverage provides functions to perform data preprocessing with state-of-the-art tools. For read normalization, ggcoverage provides multiple normalization methods to adapt to different NGS data using deeptools [11] and parallelize this process with BiocParallel [12]. When providing peak files from replicates, ggcoverage can generate consensus peaks with MSPC, which can run with more than two replicates and combine evidence (e.g. P-value) from multiple replicates to obtain more reliable peaks [13]. To load track data, ggcoverage extracts the visualized region specified by users instead of loading the whole files and then extracting the visualized region.


ggcoverage introduces twelve layers to visualize and annotate coverage plot (Table 2). Besides these layers, ggcoverage also provides corresponding themes to beautify figures. geom_coverage will generate coverage plot of a specified region for different samples across different groups and provide ‘joint’ and ‘facet’ display styles (Additional file 1: Fig. S1). When mark regions are available, geom_coverage will also highlight these regions. geom_base is used to show base frequency and reference base for each locus, and it will also show amino acids of given region in IGV style. When SNVs exist, geom_base will highlight them with three styles (Additional file 1: Fig. S2). geom_cnv will show the normalized bin count and estimated copy number. geom_gc will calculate and visualize GC content of every bin, and it will also add a line to indicate mean GC content or user-specified GC content. geom_gene will obtain all genes in given region and classify these genes to different groups to avoid overlap when plotting. In gene annotation, the arrow direction indicates the strand of genes, the height of different elements indicates different gene parts, the color of line indicates gene strand or user-specified group information (e.g. gene type). geom_transcript is similar to geom_gene, but it shows all transcripts of a gene rather than the whole gene structure. geom_peak will show the peaks identified, so that the peaks and the nearby genes can be well visualized. geom_ideogram will show chromosome ideogram to illustrate the relative position of the displayed regions on the chromosome based on ggbio [7]. geom_tad will show 3D chromatin contact maps based on HiCBricks [14]. geom_link will create links of peak-gene or DNA-DNA. geom_protein will generate coverage plot of protein based on peptides obtained by mass spectrometry (Additional file 1: Fig. S3). geom_feature will show characteristics of protein or genome (Additional file 1: Fig. S3).

Table 2 ggcoverage layers

Similar to graphical language implemented in ggplot2, users can superimpose the above layers by the ‘ + ’ operator with the help of patchwork [15]. For example, ggcoverage() + geom_gc() + geom_gene() + geom_ideogram() will create genome coverage plot and add GC content, gene structure and chromosome ideogram annotations.


ggcoverage is based on ggplot2, so users can easily customize the generated figures with ggplot2. In general, customization mainly includes modifying the elements of existing figures and adding new layers. Additional file 1: Fig. S4 shows the examples of these two kinds of customization.


Here, we show several practical use cases of applying ggcoverage to multi-omics, including WGS, ChIP-seq and RNA-seq. The code used to generate the figures without typesetting for Fig. 1 is available in Additional file 2.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Visualizations of ggcoverage on selected NGS datasets. A ggcoverage on WGS data to visualize CNV. Genome coverage plot shows read counts of all bins. GC content annotation shows GC content of every bin (red line: mean GC content of the whole region). Copy number annotation shows normalized read counts of all bins in grey dot, estimated copy number in red line and ploidy in black line. Chromosome ideogram annotation shows the displayed region on the chromosome with red rectangle and highlights the centromeres with green rectangle. B ggcoverage on WGS data to visualize SNV. Genome coverage plot shows read counts of every locus. Base annotation shows base frequency (red line: 0.5) and reference base of every locus. Candidate SNV is highlighted with the twill mark. Amino acid annotation shows corresponding amino acids with 0, 1, 2 offsets. C ggcoverage on ChIP-seq data. Different from (A), genome coverage plot discriminates sample groups (the first track in red is the ChIP sample and the last track in grey is the control sample), the light grey rectangle indicates the highlight region. Gene annotation shows genes in given region (rightwards arrow with dark green: gene on plus strand, leftwards arrow with dark blue: gene on minus strand; element height: gene part (exon > UTR > intron)). Peak annotation shows all peaks identified. D ggcoverage on RNA-seq data with HNRNPC knockdown. Different from (A), we use transcript annotation instead of gene annotation to visualize gene’s all transcripts

In CNV analysis, common confounding factors include GC content bias, telomeres and centromeres proximity. Figure 1A shows genome coverage with all these confounding factors to inspect the data. When applying ggcoverage on WGS data to visualize SNV (Fig. 1B), we can see that there is a candidate single nucleotide variant (SNV) with T to A transversion at coordinate hg19 chr4:62,474,264 (highlight with twill), the variant allele frequency is 100%, and this may affect Y (Tyrosine), I (Isoleucine) and * (stop codon). When applying ggcoverage on ChIP-seq data (Fig. 1C), we can see that the ChIP sample has an enriched signal in the promoter region of the ATP9B gene compared to the input control, which is consistent with the results of called peaks. When applying ggcoverage on RNA-seq data with HNRNPC knockdown (Fig. 1D), we can see that there is a significant reduction in read coverage of HNRNPC.


We have developed ggcoverage, an R package dedicated to visualizing and annotating genome coverage of multi-groups and multi-omics. It allows users to visualize genome coverage with flexible input file formats, and annotate the genome coverage with various annotations to meet the needs of different NGS data. In addition to visualization, ggcoverage also provides reliable and efficient ways to perform data preprocessing, including parallel reads normalization per bin, consensus peaks generation from replicates and track data loading by extracting subsets. And owing to the multi-platform support of R, users do not need to transmit data. Finally, it is very convenient to generate high-quality and publication-ready plots, users can also customize the figures with ggplot2.

Availability and requirements

  • Project name: ggcoverage

  • Project home page:

  • Operating system(s): Unix, Linux, and Windows

  • Programming language: R

  • Other requirements: None

  • License: MIT License

  • Any restrictions to use by non-academics: None

Availability of data and materials

The datasets analyzed during the current study are available on GitHub (



Next-generation sequencing


Whole-genome sequencing


Copy number variations




Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing


Gene transfer format


Single nucleotide variant


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We appreciate the valuable feedback provided by Jiaxin Gao.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 22050004).

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YS developed ggcoverage and prepared the manuscript. JW provided supervision and secured funding. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Yabing Song or Jianbin Wang.

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Supplementary Information

Additional file 1. Additional figures. Fig. S1.

Three styles of genome coverage plot. Fig. S2. Highlight SNV with three styles. Fig. S3. Protein coverage plot based on peptides obtained by mass spectrometry and annotation of protein characteristics. Fig. S4. Examples of figure customization.

Additional file 2.

 The codes used to generate the figures without typesetting for Fig. 1.

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Song, Y., Wang, J. ggcoverage: an R package to visualize and annotate genome coverage for various NGS data. BMC Bioinformatics 24, 309 (2023).

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