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Table 1 The five high-level categories used to classify VOG sequences

From: Improvements in viral gene annotation using large language models and soft alignments



Capsid Proteins

Proteins responsible for forming the outer shell, or capsid, of the virus. The capsid provides protection for the viral genome and plays a critical role in viral entry and infection

Envelope Proteins

These proteins are present in the outer envelope of some viruses and are involved in the process of virus entry into host cells

Replication and Transcription Proteins

These proteins are involved in the replication and transcription of the viral genome within host cells, playing a critical role in viral gene expression, replication, and the production of new virions

Assembly and Release Proteins

Proteins playing a variety of roles in the viral life cycle, including regulation of viral gene expression, modulation of host immune responses, and evasion of host defense mechanisms. They are often multifunctional and play critical roles in the survival and spread of the virus as well as maintaining host metabolism during infection

Regulatory and Accessory Proteins

These proteins play a variety of roles in the life cycle of the virus, including regulation of viral gene expression, modulation of host immune responses, and evasion of host defense mechanisms. They are often multi-functional and play critical roles in the survival and spread of the virus within a host organism