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Fig. 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 2

From: vissE: a versatile tool to identify and visualise higher-order molecular phenotypes from functional enrichment analysis

Fig. 2

A schematic representation of various vissE workflows. A vissE workflow builds interpretable visualisations from gene-set enrichment analyses that allow users to easily investigate phenotypes at the resolution of biological themes and individual genes, while minimising investigator biases. (1) vissE is flexible for use with any gene-set enrichment analysis, including those from scRNA-sequencing, spatial transcriptomics and traditional bulk RNA-sequencing technologies. (2) A list of significant gene-sets from these analyses are used to generate a gene-set network that is used to minimise gene-set redundancy by identifying higher-order biological themes. (3) vissE offers a variety of analytical modules to then explore functional themes and to build a biological narrative that describes the underlying biological system being explored

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