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Table 1 Summary of the key notations used in the paper

From: A novel two-way rebalancing strategy for identifying carbonylation sites



\(X_{neg} \in \mathbb {R} ^{d \times M}\)

The negative samples set.

\(X_{neg_i} \in \mathbb {R} ^d\)

The i-th sample of negative samples set.

\(Att1_i \in \mathbb {R} ^d\)

The attention values between \(X_{neg_i}\) and each sample of negative samples set.


The noise variable.


The prior of t.

\(G(t,\theta )\)

The generator that maps samples from the original space to the low-dimension space

and consists of multi-layer perceptron.

\(D(t,\theta )\)

The discriminator and distribution of that represents the probability that sample

comes from the true samples set instead of the generator.

\(X_i \in \mathbb {R} ^d\)

The i-th sample of samples set.


The i-th label of samples set.