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Table 2 Predictor variables for the full model

From: Statistical modeling to quantify the uncertainty of FoldX-predicted protein folding and binding stability

FoldX energy terms (Refer to the online FoldX documentation for descriptions of these terms)

Backbone van der Waals clash

Cis bond

Disulfide bond


Electrostatic Kon

Entropy, main chain

Entropy, side chain

Helix dipole

Hydrogen bond, backbone

Hydrogen bond, sidechain


Solvation, hydrophobic

Solvation, polar

Torsional clash

Total energy

Van der Waals

Van der Waals clashes

Biochemical properties

 Mutation involving proline: 0 or 1

 Volume change: absolute difference between van der Waals volumesa of the wild-type and the substituted amino acids in Å3

 Hydrophobicity change: absolute difference between the hydrophobicity indicesb (at pH 7) of the wild-type and the substituted amino acids

 Charge change: absolute difference between the side chain changes of the wild-type and the substituted amino acids

 Secondary structurec: DSSP classification (B, E, G, H, I, S, T, or none)

 Relative solvent accessibilityd: ranges from 0 (for completely buried) to 1 (completely exposed)

  1. Potential predictors in model search are all \(\mathrm{\Delta \Delta }G\) terms (constituent energies and the total energy) output by FoldX and biochemical properties. The energy terms have standard deviation values that arise from averaging of MD snapshots and are used as predictor variables as well
  2. aZamyatnin [21]
  3. bMonera et al. [22]
  4. cKabsch and Sander [23]
  5. dTien et al. [24]