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Table 1 The tailored graphical lasso algorithm

From: Tailored graphical lasso for data integration in gene network reconstruction


Select the optimal penalty \(\lambda\) for the ordinary graphical lasso problem by StARS with the desired value of \(\beta\) (we propose \(\beta =0.05\)). Let the sigmoid midpoint \(w_0\) be equal to the lower \(\beta\)-quantile of the non-zero weights. Choose a maximum value \(k_{\text{max}}\) to consider, such as 80. Choose a value of the edge penalizing parameter \(\gamma\) in eBIC (\(\text{BIC}_{\gamma }\)) selection criterion


For a grid of \(k \in [0,k_{\text{max}}]\):


 \(\bullet\) Let \({\varvec{P}}_k = {\varvec{1}} - g_k( {\varvec{W}})\)


 \(\bullet\) Find \(\lambda _k = \frac{\lambda p^2}{\Vert {\varvec{P}}_k \Vert _1}\)


 \(\bullet\) Find the estimated precision matrix \(\widehat{{\varvec{\Theta }}}_k\) and the corresponding set \(E_k\) of inferred edges, with the weighted graphical lasso using the penalty matrix \(\lambda _k{\varvec{P}}_k\)


 \(\bullet\) Find \(\text{BIC}_{\gamma }^{(k)} (E_k)= -2 l( {\varvec{{\hat{\Theta }}}}_k(E_k) ) + \vert E_k \vert \log {n} + 4 \vert E_k \vert \gamma \log {p}\)


Let \(k_{\text{opt}} = \mathop {{\mathrm{arg\,min}}}\limits _{k} \left\{ \text{BIC}_{\gamma }^{(k)} (E_k)\right\}\). The penalty matrix to be used is then \({\varvec{P}}_{k_{\text{opt}}}\), and the common penalty parameter is \(\lambda _{k_{\text{opt}}}\)