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Fig. 3 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 3

From: Software for rapid time dependent ChIP-sequencing analysis (TDCA)

Fig. 3

TDCA analysis of data from reported HA-tagged H3.3 doxycycline inducible TC ChIP-seq experiments performed in MEF cells. a Log2 ratio of TTI values from replicate 1 and 2 across each locus. b Coverage heat map across time points for 23,475 loci. Data for each locus are normalized from 0 (absolute minimum coverage) to 1 (absolute maximum coverage) so that loci can be compared with each other by visual inspection. c Distribution of loci that display signal increase are grouped within the defined modeling categories. TTI is shown on the x-axis and loci count on the y-axis. d Distribution of TTI values for loci that display increased signal at specific genome features. Lower lines, lower part of box, midline, upper part of box, and upper line are 1st quartile, 2nd quartile, median, 3rd quartile and 4th quartile respectively. The following genomic features are displayed: 3’UTR to 1000 bp downstream (TES), 5’UTR to 1000 bp upstream (TSS), coding exons (Exon), CpG islands (CpG), intergenic regions (Inter), introns (Intron), rRNA genes (rRNA), tRNA genes (tRNA), enhancers (Enh), and whole genes (Gene). e 3D plot of sequencing coverage for the gene Gm1266 (chr4:82,153,892–82,193,196). Black boxes indicate exons, dark lines indicate introns, and lines with arrows indicate 1000 bp upstream and downstream regions. Highlighted region shows the position of two loci with TTI values of 338.9 and 322.3 min. f Ideogram heat map of chromosome 6. Bands indicate the positions of H3.3 bound loci and the color scale indicates the TTI values rises and inclines of hills

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