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Fig. 3 | BMC Bioinformatics

Fig. 3

From: WormGUIDES: an interactive single cell developmental atlas and tool for collaborative multidimensional data exploration

Fig. 3

Customizing visualization with the search inteface. a. A lineage color scheme with each founder cell lineage in a different color. b. Early ~500 cell view of embryo highlighting neuronal subtypes from left and ventral views. c. A view of the same color scheme, approximately two hours later showing rearrangement of cells into more tightly organized neural tissue. d. Results of a gene search for pha-4 showing the pharynx primordium and gut cells. e. Overlapping colored sublineages, each highlighting hypodermal fate using a different method, and a close up of the color key corresponding to the embyro illustrate how overlapping color schemes are rendered by striping the colors that apply to a cell

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