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Figure 1 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 1

From: t2prhd: a tool to study the patterns of repeat evolution

Figure 1

Pairwise repeat homology diagrams of selected Tenascin proteins (SVG outputs). The diagrams were produced with the default PhyML parameters of the script (WAG+Γ+I, 4 gamma categories, gamma parameter and proportion of invariable sites estimated by ML, BIONJ starting tree) and with colour gradient paramater w set to 2. The repeats (EGF on A, B and C; Fn-III on A', B' and C') are indicated by red rectangles in the protein sequence schemes (N-termini on top). The identified homology relations are represented by lines or arcs connecting the respective repeats (blue lines between repeats of different protein sequences (orthology), and brown arcs in case of internal relations (paralogy)). The colour scale bar demonstrates the colour intensities as a function of the patristic distance between the respective clades divided by the total tree length. The lines represent the values between 0 and 1 by units of 0.1. The sequence positions are shown on the right of each scheme. Abbreviations: TCH: Homo sapiens Tenascin C; TXH: Homo sapiens Tenascin X and TXM: Mus musculus Tenascin X.

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