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Figure 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 2

From: TBMap: a taxonomic perspective on the phylogenetic database TreeBASE

Figure 2

Adding information on synonymy links name clusters. TreeBASE contains a taxon called Coursetia heterantha, and eight variations on the name Poissonia heterantha. Based on mapping strings these names form two distinct clusters. However, the two names share a common basionym, Tetraphrosa heterantha (IPNI record 520610-1), and hence are synonyms. Adding this information to the graph links these two otherwise disjoint name clusters. In the graph, nodes corresponding to TreeBASE taxon names are labelled with the corresponding TaxonName and TaxonID. Names in external databases are represented by the database name and the unique identifier used within that database, e.g. "ncbi:168522" is tax_id 168522 in the NCBI Taxonomy database.

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