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Figure 3 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 3

From: OrthoParaMap: Distinguishing orthologs from paralogs by integrating comparative genome data and gene phylogenies

Figure 3

The "major latex protein" (MLP) gene family from Arabidopsis and three comparison species. The "major latex protein" (MLP) gene family from Arabidopsis is shown in the top phylogeny. In the bottom phylogeny, the same gene family is shown, but including sequences from tomato, soybean, and Medicago truncatula are also included. The top phylogeny was constructed using one of nine equally parsimonious topologies from a maximum parsimony search, followed by branch length estimation using Tree-Puzzle. The bottom phylogeny uses the consensus of 22 equally parsimonious topologies from a maximum parsimony search, followed by branch length estimation using Tree-Puzzle. Gene nomenclature is the same as described in Figure 2. Both trees were rooted at the approximate location of the connecting branch to the intracellular pathogenesis-related (IPR or PR10) proteins (not shown).

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