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Figure 10 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 10

From: LabKey Server: An open source platform for scientific data integration, analysis and collaboration

Figure 10

Examples of analyzing and visualizing a joined custom view. Here, the joined custom view created in Figure 9 is used to construct a participant chart (A), crosstab view (B) and R chart (C and D) through the "Views" menu available above the joined grid.

A. The participant-specific chart view marked by A displays the same type of information for each study participant, in sequence. Users can toggle between the displayed chart and its associated dataset using the "View" and "Data" tabs. This particular chart displays the progression of HIV viral loads and CD4+ counts over time for each study participant.

B. A crosstab view like the one shown in B could be used to verify that different tests for determining HIV status produce consistent results.

C. The R script displayed in the "Source" tab of the R script editor (C) uses data from the joined custom view to compare how CD4+ counts and HIV viral loads change over time. The scripting environment makes the source dataset available as the data frame, as circled in red.

D. The results of the script are displayed by selecting the "View" tab of the R script builder, as shown in D. Selecting the "Data" tab would display the source dataset (not shown). R views, just like other views, can be saved privately or made visible to collaborators with sufficient permissions to view the source data. Within LabKey Server's R environment, users can also invoke stored scripts and leverage advanced analysis or visualization packages, such as those provided by Bioconductor[80].

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