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Archived Comments for: Correcting for the effects of natural abundance in stable isotope resolved metabolomics experiments involving ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry

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  1. A slight error in Equation 6

    Hunter Moseley, University of Louisville

    26 October 2012

    There is a slight error in Equation 6 in the two summation terms.

    The summation should be for y = 0; y ≤ j and x = 0; x ≤ i with the following condition (y ≠ j or x ≠ i) that must be satisfied as well. It is easier to describe this summation with a single summation term which includes the conditional, which I have tried to represent below given the limitations of this editor:

    y ≤ j; x ≤ i; y ≠ j or x ≠ i

    y = 0; x = 0

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