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Figure 2 | BMC Bioinformatics

Figure 2

From: Structural and functional-annotation of an equine whole genome oligoarray

Figure 2

Functional grouping of equine array gene products using GOSlimViewer. The GO annotation is divided into three broad functional groups using the GOA and whole proteome GOSlim and the GOSlimViewer tool: A. Biological Process, B. Molecular Function, and C. Cellular Component. Further subcategories within functional groups A-C are listed on the y-axis and the frequency of this function within the array is represented on the x-axis. The functional group, "biological process" had the most GO IDs represented, followed by "molecular function," and finally "cellular component." In A, the largest three subcategories were: cellular process, regulation of biological process, and metabolic process. In B, binding was the most annotated function. For C, the top three cell component subcategories were e cell, cell membrane, and cellular component. Particularly significant is the wide display of GO IDs shown, suggesting the equine whole genome array is fairly comprehensive.

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